

9 June 2024

Projects are now neatly tidied in the new projects section. I've also revived and given a fresh coat of paint to my Kaleidoscope Scheme Archive.

The Pubnix Timeline is still forever in progress, I've been struggling to work up the motivation to continue the grunt work on research. The goal at this stage is to have it out by the end of July.

Enjoy the updates!

7 Apr 2024

I've finally got the start of the SBS WeatherWatch project up, along with the livestream.

This has been nagging at me for a while, I had all the answers but couldn't be bothered to put to finger to key, alas I overcame and I hope you enjoy!

9 Feb 2024
19 Nov 2023

Today, the ideologies that gain the approval of most French intellectuals, namely Christinanity, existentialism, and Marxism, all have a common pretension of showing man in entirety. They all respond to the same need: in France and all across Europe the individual is seeking with anguish to find his place in a world turned upside down.

1 Nov 2023

I don't care to talk about politics here. I simply am not educated enough.